International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

We celebrate the long legacies of everyday solidarity and joint struggle between Palestinian, Black, Indigenous, Third World, working class, and queer peoples of the world.

Our communities have long organized side by side within larger transnational feminist, anti-colonial, anti-capitalist, and anti-racist movements. The radical feminist ethos that has animated these relationships contrasts with imperialist feminist traditions that weaponize women and queer rights discourses against Palestinians and other oppressed communities. We affirm that gendered and sexual violence is inherent to settler-colonialism, imperialist wars, capitalism, and global white supremacy. We pledge our commitment to all freedom struggles of the world as part of our feminist vision and practice.


by Jenin Yaseen

Nablus, her hometown, has taught Jenin the significance of making art for the sake of life. Jenin believes art can be a powerful tool to gather, mobilize, and inspire the community to action.